Why Is My HVAC Leaking Water? (And How To Fix It)
March 4, 2022
How Long Do HVAC Systems Last? (And How To Extend Their Life Span)
February 8, 2022tIf you’re thinking about getting an HVAC system installed in your house, or you’re wondering if you’ll need to replace your existing system soon, you may be wondering “How long do HVAC systems last?”
HVAC systems usually last 20-25 years, depending on a number of factors. The size of a house, how well it is maintained, and how cold of a climate it’s in.
As HVAC systems age, they tend to require more frequent repairs and use more energy. This explains why some homeowners choose to replace their system after 15-20 years of use. In this article, you’ll learn what factors contribute to causing an HVAC to wear down more quickly than it should. We’ll also share what indicators to look for to know if it’s time to replace the whole system.
How Much Does It Cost To Replace An HVAC System? [ANSWERED]
January 13, 2022Using an HVAC unit to heat and cool your house saves money compared to other heating and cooling systems. But when it comes time to repair the system, it starts to eat into those savings. Since the cost of repair could be a few thousand dollars, you might be better off replacing the whole thing. Which usually leads to the question, “how much does it cost to replace an HVAC system?”
For the average home size, expect to pay between $6,000-$8,000 to replace your HVAC system, and add an extra $2,000-$4,000 if the ductwork needs to be replaced as well.
The final price will vary depending on the size of your house, the type of unit you choose as a replacement, how much of the entire system needs to be replaced, and other factors. The best way to get an exact quote is to contact a local company who has experience installing and maintaining HVAC systems. Are you in or near to Montgomery County PA? If so, contact us here at Young’s Home Comfort because we are located near you!

Do I Really Need To Change The Air Filter In My Home?
December 7, 2021Dirty air filters in your home’s HVAC system makes it work harder and use more energy. Because your HVAC system silently works “in the background,” keeping you and your loved ones comfortable, its maintenance can often be forgotten or ignored. A DIY maintenance checklist should include regularly changing the air filter in your HVAC system.
If you’re wondering, “do I really need to change the air filter in my home?” the answer is yes! Forgotten filters are one of the top reasons an HVAC system loses efficiency. If you don’t keep your home’s filtering clean, indoor comfort could degrade, your energy bill could rise, and contaminants in the air may result in allergies or respiratory illness.

How Long Do Indirect Water Heaters Last?
November 8, 2021Indirect water heaters can provide your home with abundant hot water year-round. Hot water is available virtually instantaneously, using your home’s existing heating source. If you’re considering having an indirect water heating system in your home, you might be asking “How long do indirect water heaters last?”
Indirect water heaters can last 10-15 years but the frequency of use, operating temperature, and water quality can impact the lifespan. Stainless tank and coil setup can prolong the ID water heater’s life expectancy, as well as routine maintenance. Indirect water heaters work best with gas-powered boilers and are not ideal for use with forced-air furnaces
We install, service, and repair all types of heating and cooling equipment, including indirect water heaters.
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When used with a high-efficiency boiler and a well-insulated tank, an indirect water heater can be the least expensive way to provide hot water to a home. Read further to learn more about indirect water heaters and how Young’s Home Comfort can install your new heating equipment.

What is the Average Cost to Heat a Home with Oil in Pennsylvania?
October 7, 2021It’s hard to beat home heating oil when it comes to creating a toasty warmth through winter and other chilly times of the year.
Homeowners contemplating whether to use oil to heat their home or for those hoping to budget their home heating costs may wonder what the average cost will be per year.
Many variables, including home size, your home’s insulation, your comfort threshold, the frequency of extreme seasonal temperatures, current fuel prices, tank size, and your service enrollment plan will impact the average cost to heat your home annually.

How Much Does a New Oil Burner Cost?
September 10, 2021Oil-fired furnaces and boilers use renewable fuels to heat your home and they are some of the most popular choices in areas where there’s limited access to natural gas. If you have an old or inefficient oil burner in your home, however, it may be time to replace it.
So, how much does a new oil burner cost? The price of a new oil burner will vary, depending on the type of furnace you choose, the size, and its efficiency rating. You can expect to pay from $2,000 to $7,000, plus the cost of installation. Read further to learn about types of oil burners and why a new oil burner may be an effective way to save money on home heating in the long run.

My House Feels Stuffy, How Do I Fix That?
August 19, 2021Sometimes a home can start to feel stuffy, or the air seems stale inside. This can be caused by several things, from a faulty HVAC system to something as simple as not enough fresh air. Purifying the air and adding fresh air are the first steps to getting rid of that stuffy-home feeling.
As professionals in home comfort, we have some suggestions on how to get rid of that stuffy house feeling, including a solution for removing stale air in your home so that indoor comfort is improved overall.
What is an Air Scrubber Used For?
July 13, 2021
This past year put the spotlight on air purification and helped everyone realize its importance. Now more than ever, people are considering installing an air scrubber in their homes or workplace. So, what is an air scrubber used for?
Air scrubbers are used to mitigate common air pollutants and contaminants to improve the air quality that’s vital to good health. Young’s Home Comfort can professionally install Air Scrubbers by Aerus in your home or office building.
But before you commit to an air scrubber installation, you’re probably wondering if it’s worth the money. Read further to learn about the costs involved and the benefits of an air scrubber.

Ask Your Local HVAC Technician These 5 Questions
June 15, 2021Trying to find a reputable HVAC company in Montgomery County, PA, might be overwhelming but Young’s Home Comfort in Green Lane has been faithfully serving this area for more than 125 years! Still not sure which local HVAC company to go with? Read these 5 questions every homeowner should ask their contractor to help choose the local technician to trust.